Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Globalisation and Identity
V.I.S. Jayapalan
( globalisation and Tamil identity going to be presented at Nordic workshop on "Peace and Development in Sri Lanka" Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, 24-25 April 2008 on 25th.)GLOBALAISATION AND
The unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo from Serbia rekindled the half a century old dream of the mainstream Elam Tamils of going independent from Sri Lanka. Most of the Sri Lankan Tamils and many of the transnational Tamil activists wanted to give the Oslo accord of 2002 a chance with the active support of the international community and India. They see the peace model worked out by international community to solve South Sudan conflict as appropriate to our situation. Sinhalese also have no valid reason to reject the Oslo accord earlier accepted by them. Many Tamils want Vanni to unconditionally comply with International community and India to make Kosovo model successful. These two models together with Oslo accord 2002 are compatible with the norms of globalisation and the aspirations of the international community. Only reform needed to the Oslo accord 2002 is the internal decentralisation enabling Muslims to enjoy self-determination and ensure justice and equality to the Sinhalese living in the North east provinces.

Some globalists are arguing that the era of ethno-territorial conflicts are over with the globalization. But putting the unequal nation states and internally unequal multinational countries of the world closer will only bring about selected integration of the world. Promoting integration with equality, justice and peace is not unethical in the globalization discourse. Asking internally unequal and conflict ridden multiethnic countries to adopt a spacial autonomy model like Arche, conferral modal like Sudan, divorce model like former Czech and Slovakian republics or UDI model like Kosovo is the necessary step to ensure globalisation with peace, justice and equality.

Globalisation is not taking place between equals and friendly countries. We have to do everything possible to minimise the chances for the future conflicts. Ensuring the internal freedom and democracy of the of the nation states and the freedom of the national and transnational ethnic groups, cultural minorities and the indigenous people is the better globalization politics to regulate decentralisation, local fragmentation and other inevitable disintegration coursed at the grass root level by the forces released by the unprecedented global integration of our time. Without the space empowerment and the self-determination created by the local disintegration, globalization will become the globalization of the privileged and the oppressor. Some of the ethnically privileged think-tanks from countries like Serbia, Turkey and Sri Lanka hiding behind an idealist mask painting the pictures of their conflict ridden countries facing the danger of mass killing and possible genocide with the broad brush used to white-wash mass graves.

Recently in a conference one Sinhalese professor living in Europe drew a parallel between Sri Lanka and Tanzania to prove Sri Lankan Tamil can also live under existing unitary system. The Sinhalese professor forgot to mention the unparalleled historical logic of the two countries. The history of ethnic relations in Sri Lanka is much more similar to Yugoslavia, Sudan and Ethiopia than Tanzania. The professor also forgot to mention the several Rwandan style attempted genocides carried out by Sinhalese mobs with the help of the and Sinhalese security forces, anti-Muslim riots by the Sinhalese in 1915, and anti Tamil riots of 1958, 1977 and 1983. In 1915 to stop the mass killings of Muslim by Sinhalese the then British administration took strong and impartial measures and brought additional troupes form India to quell the killing. Several anti Tamil killings by Sinhalese mob and the security forces have stopped only after timely intervention of Indian and the international community.

I urge Sinhalese academics, intellectuals, philosophers and artists to fight against the Mahavamsa based religious fanaticism and its political tool unitary system. Fighting against this mind set is essential to remove the stumbling blocks on the way of Sri Lankan globalisation.This will bring more good to Sinhalese than Tamils. We Tamil in our part will do our best to fight narrow nationalistic approaches in our part. We have to fight against mind set of untrust created by the half a century-old oppression and fears. We have to do away with the mantel blocks created by the untruest and fear to ensure better future relationship with all mainly with our Muslim brothers, because Muslims and Upcountry Tamils become the innocent victims of our conflicts

Please understand the precarious situation faced by the Northern Muslims and Eastern Tamils affected by the expulsions. Tamils apologised for what happened to our northern Muslim brothers. But I never heard any apology regarding the expulsions of Tamils from the traditional villages in the east stretching from ManalaRi/Weliyoya to Pankulam and Tampalakamam to Potuvil in the name of Sinhalese settlements, development projects Buddhist holy land and now on the name of high security zones. In the name of High Security Zones. Several hundred thousand Tamils have been evicted from North East. I have seen several thousand eastern Tamils from nothen Tricomale mainly from Tricomale town, Pankulam and Manalaru/welioya in Tamilnadu and Vanni. Instead of saying “now Tamil are minority in the East” please apologise for the eviction and invite them to come back.

Globalization and freedom
I pray for the braking of Sri Lankan unitary prison . I am doing this not to build a unitary Elam Prison for Muslims and Sinhalese . Unitary system in multiethnic countries become a failure. All the ethnic groups in the world have self-determination. Similar to the past globalisation the current globalization also again put this quextion on the top of the table.

If it is federalism I advocate a highly decentralised federalism to accommodate Muslims and Up country Tamils living in Sinhalese South and Tamil speaking North East. If it is a separate state I will advocate a highly decentralised separate state to ensure self determination of Muslims and the institutionalised equality of the Eastern Sinhalese. Globalisation demand decentralisation or separation to maximise the freedom of the partners of the global intergration. NATO freed Kosovo and most of the world supported it. But NATO shood not allow Albanian to stop the decentralisation at this level. That will leads to future oppression of the Serbian minority in future.

My answer to the think-thanks who say that the “era of ethno-territorial conflicts are over with the globalization” is a big No. History is the uncompromising god of freedom. History will not give the benefit of the globalisation to ethnic oppressor state terrorist. History brought down series of changes from industrial revolution to Globalization to free bonded men, woman and oppressed ethnic groups and occupied countries. History is a permanent revolution.

Globalized integration demands decentralisation of accumulation and disintegrations of the old oppressive systems. My support to the independent of Kosovo comes from my support to fair globalization. My reservations to the independent of Kosovo also coming from there. I support further decentralization of Kosovo to ensure equality and freedom of Serbian minorities. I want to see Sri Lanka as a union of highly decentralised linguistic federal states based on 2002 Oslo accord. That the only accord accepted by the parties of the conflicts and the international community . I demand further internal decentralisation of the merged North Eastern state as an amendment to Oslo accord 2002. By conforming self determination of the Muslims and the autonomy of the of the Sinhalese minorities and the cultural rights of vethas and other minorities real peace and prosperity will come to the traditional home land of the Tamil speking people.

The aspirations of the Up country Tamils, Muslims and other cultural minorities including western province Tamil also deserve similar solution to build our island as a peaceful globalization friendly nation. I believe this goal can be achieved through further discussion on Oslo accord involving Muslims and up country Tamils Representatives.

In my opinion a Sudanese style peace modal to achieve the principle of the Oslo accord with further internal arrangements for Muslims and Sinhalese is the only existing hope to unite my Island. We have to join with the wold harvesting the fruit of globalization before the season.
If it is failed highly decentralised form of Kosovo model become the only obtion for the Tamils. Both models are prepaired by the international community and compatible with the motto of globalisation “Free to Integrate and Integrate to Free”.

Globalization, not only integrate nation states. It also integrates cultures. This is reintegration of the cultures divided by the colonial masters is a natural phenomena in third world. In this background conflicts involving transnational ethnic groups or cultural identities deserve spacial attention and urgent priority. In the globalization background, decentralization of accumulations and the emergence of several regional supper powers international terrorism become the first enemy of the civilization. International terrorism is the out come of the integration of the frustrated transnational cultural and ethnic groups. International terrorism is mostly ideological. They mainly live and function on live in modern global space. But they cannot operate with out temporary territory. Frustrated ethnic groups and trans national ethnic groups are mostly territorial. Fighting international terrorism started in a wrong way. One and only Gulliver shouted loudly “If you are not with me you are with Lilleputt”. No farmer cutting the fruit trees to get rid of steeling bird. I see see Afghanistan and Iraq as fruit farms. The eggs of the demon bird are the tears and blood shed by Palestinian. Future demon eggs will will be the teas and blood of the victimised transnational civilization such as Palestinian, Kurds and Tamils. Recently one Tamil boy born in Europe ask me “Uncle why don't we join with the Hamas to bombed Isreal” I was shocked to hear that. We are always compared with the Jewish people by intellectuals. “I ask him why” He replied “Becouse they give planes and naval ships to Sinhalese to kill Tamils” He also said “we heave right to retaliate Slovakia ” I sow potential international terrorist in him.” I had no answer to him. But I will not blame him. I have have seen many victim believe the rights of retaliation. This believe also become globalised now. You cannot brake boarder walls for economic integration while building Berlin walls for believes and frustrations.The hot bed of transnational terrorism is the existence of frustrated transnational identities. Some of those frustrated trans national identities are Territorial, pan national and Diasphoric ethnic groups like Albanians, Kurds, Arabs, Palestinians, Somalians and Tamils. The Others are cultural and ideological like Al Queda and neo Nazi.

The century old dream of these transnational ethnic groups is solidarity. Colonialism followed the industrial and nation state revolutions captured third world. Colonial Masters have divided thousands of years old civilization by the stroke of a pen. Colonial masters have created new countries by drawing borders encircling fragments of different civilisations. This have created more Majority and minority problems in the 3erd world than the west. In these periods partly through the unfair trade transfer of resources west become the centre of accumulation. In this bac round Africa Latin America and Asia conflict zone while former colonial powers became the centers of accumulations. This was the world which faced the global integration with weakening national borders and the state leads to decentralisation or dis integration of nation states.
We should understand how globalization change the characters of ethnic conflicts.

Tamils have to thank the various globalization affected them. 1000 years years ago finance and commercial fleets of comecial guilds such as Cheddias connected the Indian ocean brim countries. This made coastal towns of Choromadal as the centers of accumulations. Later this vanished I believe washed away by tsunami. Coast of Tamilnadu is always closed to us . During the early years of British rule during 1796 to 1802 Sri Lankan administration was placed under the Madrass government of English east India Company. After Chola period again in the early British rule Sri Lanka was placed under an administration based in Tamilnadu. This partially happened again in 1987 to 1990 during IPKF time when Sinhalese criticized then high commissioner Dixt as behaving like Viceroy. Sinhalese have to be lucky all the time. That the geography. That the challenges of globalisation to the Sinhalese. Sinhalese hard liners blindly paying with the fire of the history since the Independent. International community cannot go against the logic of globalisation by supporting Sinhalese state terrorism and suppressing the aspirations of Trans national and the Diaspora Tamil fore ever in order to satisfy Sinhalese only because they are state players. West will not do the push the pro Indian and pro west Tamil diasphora and the Tans national Tamil net work in to the hand of international Terrorism only to suport the whim and fancies of the adamant Sinhalese Budhist chauvinists and their terrorist state .

Sinhalese cannot change the geography by bombing Vanni. They also cannot bomb off globalisation. They cannot be lucky all the time. This is the last chance fore them to accept Oslo accord. Change is the history. History is change. There is no permanent position to International community in Sri Lankan conflict. Oslo accord is signed in front of them. That is the only accord sign by Sri Lankan government and LTTE with the international community as the witness. The check Sri Lankan government gave to us in front of you bounce back. Sinhalese and their Sri Lankan government is famous fore giving fake checks to Tamils. We have not only seas of tears and blood and the mountains of corpus of raped and dynamite women but also piles of fake checks given by Sinhalse. Becouse of that our boys have taken arms. Our boys have made several mistakes. Now they are correcting them. They have apologised to Muslims. They also have apologised to India. According non other than us state department they have stooped recruiting child solder. They are also correcting their Diaspora solidarity group activities according western law. Still they have to go a long way. They have to give up suicide attacks.How this possible with out an armed embargo ageist Sri Laka. How this militarily possible while EU countries sending missiles and Tanks and spare pats to Colombo to attack Tamils. Don't you thing you are forcing Tigers to use their last resorts when you are supplying weapon? As one of the Tamil artist who continuously push Tamil militants to comply with the expectation of international community and India I have the right to ask. I have a question to the international community the Oslo accord signed by the Sri Lankan government singed in front of you have bounced back. You have given money back guretee. What are the steps you are have taken fore the recovery. Either force the government to make the check valid. Either by declaring ceasefire and resume talks based on Oslo accord to create a linguistic federal state of merged North East with internal self determination or solve it like you sove the similar problem of Kosovo

Globalization in history
Tamils are globalization friendly people. The welcomed American mission in 1819 to built their religious and educational institutions and benefited by this in those early days. English education as early as in 19th century shaped up their life style and and the history. In 1870s nearly 15 thousand English educated Tamils were working in Malaysia. Through out the history Sri Lanka Tamil in general Jaffna Tamils in perticuler become the adapted children of the global integration. Like other trans national Tamils, Elam Tamils also extensively influenced by Indian and western civilisation.
Tamilnadu become one of the few Indian states tremendously benefited by globalisation. They are like Bengali Kashmeries Sheiks and Punjabi a powerful trans national ethnic groups rooted in India. Some are land locked and some are not. With the globalization India also need new approaches to understand trans national ethnic groups and their aspirations. Globalisation promoted Chennai as one of the centers of accumulation in India. Chennai together with Vanni emerged as the center of the trans national and Diaspora Tamil community. Globalisation also put all the wold centers of Tamils and Tamil Diasporas close to Chennai and Vanni. This situation never existed before pt Chola periods. During Chola period also Choramandal coast become the centre of accumulation not only with its naval fleets but also with the commercial fleets belong to financial and commercial guilds such as Chertias.

The reaction of the transnational Tamil communities to the state aided mass killings of Tamil civilians by Sinhalese mobs in 1956, 1958 and even 1977 was very low. But why the reaction to the communal riots and killings of Tamils by the Sinhalese mobs and Sinhalese security forces in 1983 become huge? How this angry reaction created by mass killings of Tamil of 1983 spread to the trans national centres, multiplied and shook the world?

Up to globalization increasing oppression of the Sinhalese Budhist state and their projects became the sole engine promoting polarization of the Sri Lankan Tamils up to 1980s. But After 1980s Tamils benefited by the take off of the currunt of globlaization. The immediate and strategically important blessing of the current globalization came as the disappearance of the distance between Tamilnadu and us. This helped us to remove many bottle necks we faced in early 1970s. The main constrain is the smallness of our flat land geography The closnes of Tamilnadu not only put us closed to trans national Tamil community but also with the entire world. With out globalisation we never able to over come the military geographic demographic constrains that discouraged our fathers from starting liberation war in mid 1950 and 1960s. Globalisation helped us to find Tamilnadu like finding the lost mother in a dangerous time. Tamilnadu raised with up with the connivance of India like an eagle defending its chicks. We believe that removed the dangers of possible genocide. Sinhalese government always solve conflicts by mass killings and military terrorism. Sinhalese nationalist who become angry to see Muslims do well in the business tested this weapon of mass killing as early as in 1915. Muslims only because of their scattered geographical nature forced to surrender to Sinhalese. You know the series of mass killings by Sinhalese mobs aided and abated by the state machinery started in 1956. But we the Tamil youths of 1970s who have made the historical decision about the future of the ongoing non violent struggle lead by S.J.V.Chelvanayagam to win Federal equality was terrified by what happened in 1971 April. We were terrorised by the way wider Shingles establishment both ruling party, opposition and the armed forces got together to catch and burned alive their own children in thousands. The estimates say at least 20 to 40 thousand Sinhalese children were burnt by by them. Many burnt alive. Talk of the Elam the Elam in 1971 is “If Sinhalese can put their own children on the street and burnt them alive in thousands. What will they do to us. Certainly they will destroy us one day? This is one of the fear made us thing defenceless non Violant struggle with such a curl enemy is futile. Another development in 1971 had gig impact on us is the liberation of Bangladesh. In 1970s we were extensively discusing about Nigerian genocide and the defeet of Biafra liberation, April massacre of Shinhalese youths and the victory of Bangaladesh libration.

Again in 1989 Sinhalese establishment, both rulers and opposition parties, got together with armed forces to catch and burn their own children in tens of thousands. Most of these chidren burnt alive. In 1990 when army enter Eastern province Shinhalese government have send an eliet force called “Kalu Kottiya” (Black Tiger) to catch and burn Tamil youths in tha same way in Amparai with the help of local colaborates. They have burnt 100 of the children. Only becouse the reaction of the international community and stiff resistance put by the Tamil Taiger government forced to give up their plan for genocide. Even my Sinhalese friends said that Sri Lankan military believes the hard core Tigers, there are more than 10000 stong supporter living in noth east and in Colobo. Accoding them one is to ten Tamil youth we meet every day belong to that catogary. Accoding this theory Sri Lankan army strongkly believe that the defeeting and distroying Tiger will not bring any the end of Tamil terrorism automatically. And to compleetly distroy Tamil terrorism, randamly thay have to catch and kill atlest 100000 Tamil youths for the accomblimentation of their task. There fore I beg Singalse professor Indra de Soysa not to compaire Thansaniya with Sri Lanka in future and say minorities can live with out problem in Sri Lanka under unitary systam. I beg the professor not to see our history with the Serbian’ s eye.

Against this background only my genaration desided to give up the alredy lost non violent strugle in mid 1970s. Urumpirai Sivakumaran umerged us the fist leader of the armed strugglel of the Elam Tamils. In 1970s. He also become the first martyr on 5th June 1974 by swalowing cynide . I have accepted the inevitablity of the armed struggle only after seven years of his martyerdom. The martyr who brake my scilent about the armed strugle is the Jaffna library. On the early morning of June 1st 1981 I was one of the thosad Tamils crying infont of the Jaffna library which was burnt down by the notorious Sinhalese armed forces on the previous night. Seeing the ashes of 100 thosand reare books is not an easy thing. I have remembered the thosands of Sinhalese children burned alaive 10 years ago. I have rememberd the poem I have written as tribute to those Sinhalse children. I show the burnt library as a synbol worning of the posible genocide. 100 thousand. But the biggest shock that day is not the burnt library. The bigest shok came in the form of joyful sinhalse songs and dance. We show arround fifty Sinhalese some of them are in uniform 100 yards away at Thuraiappa stadiam celibrating their heroic deed by singing dancing bila and hooting us. At that moment I left with no obtion other than supporting the armed struggle. This how our non violent movement was defeated by the Sinhalese government. We are not living in Tanzania.

For Tamils of the world the present globalization commenced with the transnational ethnic intergration. Globalization first removed Indian ocean dividing Tamils. Sri Lankan Tamils heard voices of sympathy and support not only from Tamilnadu but also from various countries ranging from Malaysia to South Africa. Then it removed the seven seas.

We are always closed to the sea. We always had longest beaches and skill full fishing folk and sailors. After independent also our fishermen and the Tamilnadu fishermen continued to travel to and fro ignoring laws imposed by Sri Lanka and India. Our fishermen and smugglers had continued their several 1000 years connection with Tamilnadu coastel communities. In those days we had no much disturbances from Indian Navy. But Sri Lankan navy started the communal war before commencement of the actual conflicts. This hoe Sinhalese chauvinism of the Navy created the hot beds of armed struggle along side our beaches. These hot-beds later produced many tamil militant leaders. Smuggling material and illegal worker become prime trade of the fishing villages had close connectivity to Tamilnadu. Norway come to Jaffna in mid 1960s and revolutionised this connectivity by introducing plastic boat technology and out motor and nylon net to the fisher folk.

This is how globalization stated to function in Jaffna while Bandaranayake family is shown increasing interested in closing Sri Lanka and Sinhalese through its economic and financial policies. Since Malaysian and Singaporean migration commenced in mid 19th centuries we built our foreign enclaves. In east Asia and London. But nothing much happened up to globalisation functioned as an engine. Idea of armed struggle was there since the Sinhalese only campaign in mid 1950s. But only thing missing was globalisation. Two books appeared with the call for Elam in Mid 1950s. One by then school Principal Mr.A.thiyagarajah of Karainagar . He later become MP and shot ded as collaborator. Second book by C.Suntharalingam. His word If in 1950s become a moto. He warned Bandaranayaka regime ageist the attemt to start Sinhalese colonisation in Vanni. His famous word “kaadu sudum ” (Jungle will shoot). We have rejected him for his involvement against temple entry movement lead by Communist. But Kadu Sudum become a motivating song .

Not Sinhalese but Fedaral party leader Mr. S.J.V.Chelvanayagam and his lieutenants defeated separatism in 1950s and 1960s. If you go through Tamil media in this period you will understand it. Then Tamils still had the faith on the leadership of the Federal party and the non violent movements. But youths lost hope and considered liberation violent is the only answer to the anti Tamil violence and the land crab of the Sihala Buddhist establishment. The turning point came with the first mobilization of Sri Lankan Army to terrorise Tamil non violent struggle in 1961 by Sri Mavao Bandaranayake under the comand of Udugama. But Federalist become the fist enemy of the idea of separation and armed struggle. Their were some attacks in 1960s on Jaffna bus dipot Jaffana Kachcheri. There are also some attempt to derail. This ideas of detailing as part of the struggle comes from the Tamils worked in Malaysia and Burma during world war 2. Then my elders left Federal party and support Communist party lead by Sanmugathasan. He was the strong defended and propagator of armed strugglle then. Systematic political violance against the core of oppressive feudal system took the form of mini war caste system under the Communist Party peaking wing. I was a small boy at that time. I was inspired by violent against injustice. Other left parties stated to collaborate and go for no contest pact with Bandaranayake even in the 1956 election focused Sinhalese only. This made us angry. The frustrated youths left behind in the Federal party stated Violante campaign ageist the Tamils wrightely or wrongly considered as collaborates. This how political violent creeped in to mainstreem Tamil institutions propagating nonviolence struggle for Federalism. Anti Hindi agitation of Tamilnadu and the Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Biafran War, (July 6, 1967 – January 13, 1970.) influenced us tremendously. Federal party used the failure of Biafra which coasted one million lives to discourage the idea of a liberation struggle. In 1970 then Member of Parliament K.P ratnam in a private talk extensively spoke about the Failure of Biabra and said Tamils never able to take arms and carry out a liberation straggle in Sri Lanka because we have no mountain and extensive land required to take arms. Even in 1960 there is no significant Sinhalese voices ageist the increasing oppression of Tamils. Tamil youth who wanted to take arms since since Sinhalese only campaign was discouraged only by Federal Party leadership. But Federalist were violently suppressed and weaken only by the Sinhalese governments. Only successful federalism can bring peace with unity. Other option is peace with separation like in Kosovo. Then comes 1970s with plastic boat and out motor technology introduced by the first Norwegian Tamil Rajaratnam alias Kutti uncle with the help of Norwegian funded institution CENOR. This in a way removed the distance between Elam land and Tamilnadu. Coming closer of Tamilnadu extended our military geography beyond the reach of the murderous Sinhalese security forces. Tamil youths found an answer fore the Federalist arguments against armed struggle based on non availability of the appropriate military geography and population strength. And globalisation stated to function. This not only continuously removed the distances and national borders between the trans national Tamil enclaves but also crated Diaspora enclaves of Sri Lankan, Indian, Malaysian, Singaporean and South African Tamils in the west.This has become an ever increasing force multiplier engine to the Sri Lankan Tamil struggle. Sinhalese may win Parabaharan but loose the war in a long run to the Tans national and Diaspora Tamil net work.

Concluding discussion
I have had several long and detailed discussions with the ethnic militants, religious extremist and international terrorist supporters since the days of Vietnam war. The have diverse and opposite ideologies and goals. But they all have one strong believe in common. They believe that they have the sacred right of retaliation against the enemy countries and leaders militarily supporting the enemy to kill their kith and kins. “Right of retaliation” is the guiding philosophy behind all the territorial and ideological terrorism. Right of retaliation becomes the sole justification of terrorism.
Since the beginning of 1970s I had endless discussions with the ideological terrorist belong to Read Brigades, Bader Meinhof, 1st and 2end JVP, and various Asian Muslim extremists. Beside their contradictory Marxist and non Marxsist ideological positions they all motivated by the rights of retaliation of the victim. Unlike ideological terrorist most of the ethnic terrorist are territorial ad are real victim of repressive majority armed with the unitary state. The borderless violence of ideological groups and the localised violet responses of a territorial ethnic groups to the perticuler unitary state terror is not the same. Even at the terrorism level they are not the same. I see the the answer of Hillary Clinton to Guardian as a theoretical contribution to the study of terrorism in globalisation context. She said
“Well, I believe that terrorism is a tool that has been utilized throughout history to achieve certain objectives. Some have been ideological, others territorial. There are personality-driven terroristic objectives. The bottom line is, you can't lump all terrorists together. And I think we've got to do a much better job of clarifying what are the motivations, the raisons d'être of terrorists. I mean, what the Tamil Tigers are fighting for in Sri Lanka, or the Basque separatists in Spain, or the insurgents in al-Anbar province may only be connected by tactics. They may not share all that much in terms of what is the philosophical or ideological underpinning. And I think one of our mistakes has been painting with such a broad brush, which has not been particularly helpful in understanding what it is we were up against when it comes to those who pursue terrorism for whichever ends they're seeking”.

With my longstanding interaction with Tamil Tigers I have realised this long ago. Their only goal is self determination of the Tamils. Of their connection not related to any ideology. They are connected by tactics. Some cases they were were motivated by the vengeance and the believe of “right to retaliation on the same manner”

Like Kosovo movement Tamil Tigers also responded positively when ever they get confidence on international community. They get increasing confidence on UN and international human right institutions and o the west in recent times. More than the pressure, the new and just full balance approaches taken by the UN and international community between GOSL and Tamil Tiger regading human rights and i other developments started to give dividends

Tamil Tigers are also responding positively to the concerns of the west and seems to take constructive steps to improve the records of their solidarity organisations in the west. They have stoped recruitment of child soldiers. This was noted by US State Department in Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2007. It says
“By year's end most sources indicated that the "one family, one fighter" policy targeted those 18 years or older. The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) noted a significant reduction in reported child recruitment by the LTTE. While the trend indicated that the LTTE was eliminating the recruitment and use of child soldiers,”

US report further accused the kin pin of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapasa’s Eastern military and political TMVP alias Karuna group leader Pillaiyan for child recrutment rape murder and the abduction of the relatives to politically blak mail member of parliments. According UNSR repot cited by US state department “that government forces were at times complicit in the recruitment of children.” This is not a surprise to Tamils. Pillaiyan is the major partner of the major partner of the East Lanka Company run by the President and his brothers. In fact government is recruiting Tamil children their paramilitary arms Pillaiyan group.

Only major criticism of the west still not attended by the LTTE is the cessation of suicide attacks. According main streem Tamils view International community including EU countries still send arms to the government despite the increasing positive response of the LTTE. Tamils argue that LTTE stop underage recruitment in a situation of escalation of war. This increased pressure on them. Further to this Continuous economic and military support to the government by the international community enstrength the government position in their war again Tigers and Tamils. We have to look this in the the back round of reduction of recruitment. This put them increasingly on the Mercy of existing weapons and tactics. Unless and otherwise international community understand the situation and reduce the pressure Tamil Tiger critics like us will become helpless.
International community have to create space for Tiger to continue their positive reforms.

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